In the second installment of The Court of Thorns and Roses series The Court of Mist and Fury, we find Feyre safely deposited back into the Spring Court with Tamlin. Unfortunately, Feyre is not the same person she was before the cruelty of Amarantha. Feyre is broken and mentally tormented from the memories and nightmares that affected her under the mountain. Tamlin and Feyre are engaged to be married, something she should be looking forward to, but that is not the case, she feels trapped and dreads the pact and debt she owes Rhysand for saving her life will eventually be called in. Though Feyre now has the powers of the high fae her heart is still human, and she cannot forget the terrible things she had to do to free Tamlin’s people. Feyre has to face some hard truths to become the leader she is meant to be. A change of scenery and friends for Feyre is needed for her to come out of her shell and on the road to recovery. This was a great book, I ended up being very disappointed in ...